Greetings to one and all:
It is Valentine's Day. A day when lovers express their affection and appreciation for one another. How appropriate for another blog report on my health.
Let me start by expressing my love for God. He has made me and always upholds me even when dangers assail. He has blessed and protected me all my life and in a very special way has publicly shown His love and care for me by allowing cancer to enter my body but by also giving me extended enjoyment of life when prevailing wisdom indicated that I would not see this year.
He sent me the love of my life as a marriage partner. Rita has been a blessing and a guide throughout our married life and a wonderful support and care giver once cancer was discovered. I love her a lot and appreciate her love and help more than words can describe.
I love our family, five children and their spouses and now sixteen grandchildren, eight of each. What a wonderful blessing and joy.
This past weekend, after efforts by two of our children, one of my dreams came true. I was asked to sing the national anthem at a professional ice hockey game. I sang at the beginning of the last two home games for the Trinity Western Spartan hockey team at the new Langley Events Center. It was a wonderful experience. The fact that it was a Trinity game enhanced the experience. The team was very encouraging and appreciative. I was gifted a team jersey with all the players' signature, a cap and a Bible. What a wonderful way for them to witness of their faith.
Today is the beginning of the second week of my fifth chemo pill regimen. The last two/three weeks have been a great experience as I felt completely healthy and able to enjoy life to the full extent. I am aware that the side effects of the chemo pill will start to appear in a few days or a week from now, but the rest has done me good and gives me the courage to go forward with the treatment. According to the doctor at the Cancer Clinic I will also have a sixth chemo regimen before a scan is done again to see how the recent treatments have affected the remaining cancer. So that will be towards the middle or end of April.
Rita and I have decided to make that the time to think about going out of town for a holiday. If the next two chemo experiences do not get worse than before and the scan continues to show healing we will think about a trip to our out of town children.
We continue to appreciate the prayers of so many. We enjoy the communion of saints, the preaching of the Word of God every Lord's Day, the worship services and the many blessings the Lord sends our way each day. I remain thankful for the work I am allowed to do in church life.
We continue to pray for others who suffer and encourage them all to look to God for His help in every circumstance of life.
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Pieter de Boer