Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

This morning we could visit with dad's doctor. She was quite saddened that Dad had such a hard weekend. She was able to tell us that the calcium levels are not coming down and that Dad will probably not become any less confused. This means that they will take more measures to ensure that he is comfortable and not agitated and that his time here on this sinful earth will not be much longer.
He is no longer eating or being hydrated by artificial means. He will drink a little here and there but not much.
As a family we are thankful that he is quite calm and at peace today. This morning while I was there some of us were able to sing and he did join us occasionally. What a beautiful sound it was to here him sing "I love the Lord..." In this, too, we can

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. :)


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Our outer nature wastes away...

What is your only comfort in life and in death?
That I am not my own, but belong with body and sould, both in life and in death to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ.  A comfort indeed!

Today (Sunday) was a very difficult day.  Dad was very confused and he wanted so many different things.  There are times that he can't communicate what he intends, and then there are times that he doesn't mean to communicate what he does.  It is very challenging to follow what dad wants and we patiently try to understand what would be good for dad and do as much as we can for him.  We are so grateful to God for the hospice in Langley.  The nurses are most wonderful and they work diligently to give dad the care he needs. 

We pray that dad's suffering may soon come to an end.  The Lord also preserves us in such a way that without His will, not a hair can fall from my head.  We thus pray to the LORD that His will would be to have dad's suffer end soon and grant that he may enter into a mansion that the Lord has prepared for those who love Him!  Indeed, Dad loves the LORD the fount of life and grace!

We can indeed: Praise God from whom all blessings flow!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

An update on dad

Today is Saturday night and it is my (Chris) turn to prepare an update on dad's condition.  Of course, dad's condition in the most important way is glorious.  He is firmly secure in the LORD's hands and this is the best condition in which anyone can be. 

Physically, dad's condition has been deteriorating since this past Wednesday.  When I arrived I was able to greet him and he was able to interact with me for some time.  This was a special time, indeed!  On Thursday, dad was very tired.  He slept most of the day and had moments of good understanding, but those moments got further and further apart.  It was on Thursday that we were told of the next round of calcium reduction that would take place on Friday in the hospital.  Dad was able to understand some of these things to a limited degree.  On Friday, dad was very sleepy and confused.  Mom and I had to take dad to the hospital from the hospice, a short five-six minute walk but it was very rainy and windy.  Mom and I finally decided to take dad with the car - a fairly challenging task, but dad was a very willing patient to do as he was told/asked.  On Friday afternoon dad seemed to be more 'with it'.  He interacted better with us, and it was a pleasant time together.  This morning (Saturday), mom and I were surprised to see dad as confused as he was.  This was a very tough day for those who visited.  Dad had spent Friday night in a very restless way - he really wanted to go to church all night long.  On Saturday, the confusion continued and it continued through the whole day.  We were pleased when dad could sleep for an hour or two at a time.  The medication that dad took on Friday afternoon is supposed to really kick in on Sunday/Monday, so there is still some hope that his confusion will be diminished for some time.  Whatever happens, we trust in God's goodness.

God's goodness has overflown and continues to pour out by means of the communion of saints.  The continued comments of care, concern, and encouragement are a great blessing.  You are all instruments in God's hand for our comfort to His honour and glory.  Dad also is able to express this joy when people come to visit him.  He is still able to recognize people and makes every effort to say 'thank-you' for the visit.
Let me conclude with what Dad regularly says:  Praise God from whom all blessings flow! 


Monday, October 24, 2011

Dad has moved

Dad has moved across the street today. He is no longer in the Langley Memorial Hospital but has moved into the Langley Hospice. It is still on the hospital property but closer to the Fraser Highway. If you drive in front of the hospital entrance and keep going you will find it on the left hand side.
The room that dad is in here is very large. There is lots of room for visitors and even a pullout couch if mom (or someone else) would desire to sleep over. Dad and mom seem to both be at peace with this move and decision to be here. Thanks be to God.
I spent about an hour there this afternoon as Dad was settling in. The care seems to be top notch and the atmosphere very peaceful - a lot calmer than a hospital ward.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oct 22, 2011

I have just come home from a nice visit with Dad. We were able to catch most of the Canucks game - a favourite past time of ours.
Dad seems to be quite comfortable. Yesterday a doctor was able to remove 1.9 litres of fluid from his lungs. This will hopefully help him breath easier and ease the stress on his heart.
We are very thankful for the medical attention Dad has been receiving. On Monday we hope to decide how things will go from here.
Dad enjoys having visitors but does get tired quickly. Somtimes a 10 minute hello is just what he needs.
Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Update Oct. 19 2011

It was obvious today that some of the medications that dad has been taking are working.  Since Sunday, today was by far the best we have seen dad.  His mind was more on par to what we are used to.  He was cracking jokes, laughing and smiling, and able to hold a decent conversation.  We even saw him get up off his bed and walk a little bit.  He was very tired today and slept off and on through out the day.

Because dad was able to take in liquids on his own, he was also taken off the IV.  This made him quite happy as he wasn't "tied" up anymore. 

In regards to the CT scan that he had yesterday, the doctor ordered this scan to see if he had any clots in his lungs.  As it turns out, there was none, however he does have some fluid around his lungs.  Tomorrow there will be an internal medicine doctor coming to see dad to discuss removing some of this fluid.  This will also help in his breathing, although his breathing has already improved in the past 24 hours. 

Part way through today dad was also moved to a different room.  He is now in room 401 at Langley Memorial Hospital.  This is a private room which allows his family and visitors a much more intimate time with him.  This too is providential.

We continue to see improvement in dad's health so it is hard to say what the future holds.  We know that our Heavenly Father has dad's life all planned out and we just live day by day.  We are thankful for the time that we still have with our earthly dad/opa and in a lot of ways hope to have many more, but we also understand that soon, he will be with our heavenly father in paradise and this is something that excites us too. 

We thank all of you who are following this blog and praying for our family in these trying times.  We continue to ask the Lord for strength not only for us, but for Mom too, who is being strong through these days. 

As my father has often said on this blog, Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Peter jr.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Update Oct. 18 2011

Dad's situation does not seem to be improving as much as was hoped.  His calcium levels continue to be to high and his hemoglobin levels to low.  Yesterday he had an x-ray to see what was causing him to be short of breath too.  The doctor told us that he has a partially collapsed lung because of being in bed all day, but mostly because the cancer continues to grow on his lung.  He also has a type of pneumonia.  The doctor continues to treat these symptoms with anit-biodics.  His heart rate is also elevated and normally to control this, he would be given blood thinners, however, in his situation, this would greatly increase his chances for a stroke. 

This morning he was given a blood transfusion to help with his breathing as this has been difficult for him lately too.  Last night he said was rough due to a hard time breathing.  As the days progress from morning to evening, his mind seems to get clearer.  The mornings are definitely rougher then the evenings.  From time to time he mentions that he is in pain, but he is on a heavy dose of pain medication. 

This afternoon he was brought in for a CT Scan on the lungs.  We hope to get the results of this soon. Stay tuned. 

This week dad had plans to go to Vancouver to get some tests done in connection to the trial drug he was going to be taking, however, it looks more and more that he won't be able to take the drug.  One of the prerequisits for this trial is that he is able to be mobile on his own strength for at least 50% of the day.  He is not able to do that at this time.  The paliative doctor meet with mom today and mentioned that if his calcium levels don't come down in the next day or two, we might have to think about dad going to a hospice.  However, that being said, she mentioned that it could still go either way and that it is still a little to early to predict anything. 

Dad continues to have strength in his faith and shares that faith with those around him.  We can all praise our Heavenly Father for all that He has given us and also during this time we can see the Lord's hand at work in dad's earthly life.  We pray to God for the continued strength for Dad and Mom and the rest of the family and hope that one day soon, Dad will be able to be pain free and with his Heavenly Father. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Update Oct. 16 2011

It has been a while since there has been an update on this blog and that is because Dad was mostly maintaining it himself.  Dad has been admitted to the hospital this past weekend so the family will update this blog when there is news to share.

On Friday mom recieved a call from the doctor that dad needed to go to emergency at Langley hospital because his calcium levels were to high.  During the week mom was noticing more and more that dad seemed to be confused and not understanding what was going on.  He was very repetitive and unable to hold a regular conversation.  For those who know dad, not being able to have a conversation with him is a difficult reality to deal with.  Since he has been in the hospital, the calcium levels seem to fluctuate, but generally are going down slowly.  He will remain in the hospital until his calcium levels are back to normal. 

While we were visiting him on Sunday, they did a blood-sugar test and his level was higher than normal, so he was to take some insulin.  Since dad is type-2 diabetes, this is another factor that we have to contend with. 

On Sunday evening when we visited dad, Kent came with his violin and we were able to sing Psalms and Hymns.  Praise be to God for giving us His Spirit to strengthen us during this time. 

We acknowledge all the followers of this blog, and continue to ask for your prayers for Mom and Dad as we continue to live out God's plan for dad. 

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow

Pete jr.