Saturday, October 29, 2011

An update on dad

Today is Saturday night and it is my (Chris) turn to prepare an update on dad's condition.  Of course, dad's condition in the most important way is glorious.  He is firmly secure in the LORD's hands and this is the best condition in which anyone can be. 

Physically, dad's condition has been deteriorating since this past Wednesday.  When I arrived I was able to greet him and he was able to interact with me for some time.  This was a special time, indeed!  On Thursday, dad was very tired.  He slept most of the day and had moments of good understanding, but those moments got further and further apart.  It was on Thursday that we were told of the next round of calcium reduction that would take place on Friday in the hospital.  Dad was able to understand some of these things to a limited degree.  On Friday, dad was very sleepy and confused.  Mom and I had to take dad to the hospital from the hospice, a short five-six minute walk but it was very rainy and windy.  Mom and I finally decided to take dad with the car - a fairly challenging task, but dad was a very willing patient to do as he was told/asked.  On Friday afternoon dad seemed to be more 'with it'.  He interacted better with us, and it was a pleasant time together.  This morning (Saturday), mom and I were surprised to see dad as confused as he was.  This was a very tough day for those who visited.  Dad had spent Friday night in a very restless way - he really wanted to go to church all night long.  On Saturday, the confusion continued and it continued through the whole day.  We were pleased when dad could sleep for an hour or two at a time.  The medication that dad took on Friday afternoon is supposed to really kick in on Sunday/Monday, so there is still some hope that his confusion will be diminished for some time.  Whatever happens, we trust in God's goodness.

God's goodness has overflown and continues to pour out by means of the communion of saints.  The continued comments of care, concern, and encouragement are a great blessing.  You are all instruments in God's hand for our comfort to His honour and glory.  Dad also is able to express this joy when people come to visit him.  He is still able to recognize people and makes every effort to say 'thank-you' for the visit.
Let me conclude with what Dad regularly says:  Praise God from whom all blessings flow! 



  1. Wishing you blessing and peace from God, our faithful Father. It's difficult to have a beloved father so ill. We're thankful that God knows what you need from moment to moment. May that be a rich comfort to you all.

  2. Thinking of you all and praying for you. May our Heavenly Father continue to hold you in the palm of his hand.

  3. Rob and Trish Smink (nee Hoeksema)October 30, 2011 at 9:30 AM

    Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. May you continue to experience God's surrounding love and care in this difficult time.

  4. God surrounds you all with His love and care. We are so blessed to able to accept the end of our earthly task with our faith of His sure promises.
    God bless - Wayne & Jane Oosterhoff

  5. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers. May you continue to feel His love and comfort with you.
    -Steve and Audrey Leyenhorst
