Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010

Time has marched on. The weekend has past and a new work week has begun. However at the de Boer households many are on vacation. The P. de Boer clan, in particular is away from work. As you probably all know the venue of our holiday has changed. For me a week was spent in hospital and our sons and daughters have spent hours there too, However, this past week end was hospital free and church focussed.

At Willoughby Heights we celebrated the Holy Supper of the Lord. The three out of town de Boers (with attestations ) joined Mom and Dad.

The wonderful news of salvation through the grace of Jesus Christ alone was heard, seen and experienced.
The word proclaimed and applied by Rev. Souman was comforting for both the ill and those who love them.

It was good for me to meet Jackie Wubs, a member in my district who has been challenged with cancer for some years now. Her steadfastness, patience, as well as readiness to die has been a constant comfort to me before and after I was diagnosed with a different form of cancer.

On both Saturday and Sunday evenings we (the P de Boer clan) were invited to Kent and Belinda's home (Belinda being our only daughter) for dinner. The togetherness, 'gezeligness', communion of saints, fellowship and family unity in faith was wonderful to experience and to witness.

No new medical news was received and so our worship of God went on uninterrupted. The time for congregational worship as well as family and individual woship were taken advantage of. Each one had opportunity for edification and to thank the Lord for His near-ness. God has been good, is good and will be good. We trust him in all things.

Pieter de Boer


  1. Thanks for keeping us posted, Pete. You and Rita are constantly in our prayers. May the Lord continue to sustain you, to strengthen you and to give you peace. John & Margaret

  2. Wishing you and your family the Lord's strength during these difficult times.
    Harold & Tina Ludwig

  3. Hello Pete & Rita

    We think of you often & remember you & your family in our prayers!
    We are reminded of the past when our family faced the same difficult times. Looking back, we also see how the LORD was always near, giving strength & courage, sometimes even when we didn't know it.
    The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phillipians 4:5b-7

  4. Thank you for your comforting update. how wonderful to be blessed with a beautiful family and a strong communion of saints!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your illness, Mr. Deboer. I pray that you and your family will feel the nearness of our heavenly Father as you embark on this new journey. May you find peace and moments of enjoyment during this difficult time. He will give you and your family the strength you need when you need it. Take courage and be strong in the LORD!
    With love,
    Elizabeth Smith (Vanderpol)

  6. Mr & Mrs deBoer

    Just a quick note to let you all know that we are thinking of you during these times. We pray that the Lord is near you. We know that He is in control of all things and He will take care of you and us all in His way and at His time.
    Blessings to all,
    Ron & Elsje Raap
