Tuesday, August 10, 2010

August 9-10

What a blessing Sunday was!  An opportunity for all of us to worship our heavenly Father and praise His holy Name!  As a family, we continue to rejoice in God's steadfast love and faithfulness!

On Monday, August 9th, the children and grandchildren of mom and dad were able to spend some time together at a children's indoor playground.  It was nice to be together in this way and to enjoy each other's company.  Mom went to visit dad at the hospital and she and dad had an excellent time together.  They both really enjoyed this time together.

In the afternoon dad was visited by his five children.  This was a hilight for dad and for us his children.  It was a relaxing and gezellig time together.  After Derrick showed up, Dad sat up and asked who was getting the coffee.  There we were, dad and his five children have a coffee together.  These are moments that we will continue to cherish in the time that God allows! 

On Monday, we were hoping that Dad would be able to come home on Tuesday afternoon.  The doctors wanted to test his hemoglobin levels and make sure that they were high enough.  Well, after testing the blood on Tuesday, August 10th,  Dad was given the option of having more blood and going home on the Wednesday, or going home today and having to go back next week Tuesday for the transfusion.  Dad chose to stay in the hospital today and has received the assurance from the doctor that he can go home on Wednesday morning!  We look forward to seeing dad sitting in HIS chair tomorrow, D.V. 

On Tuesday, dad received a visit from a nephew and neice and their two guests from Brazil.  It was a great experience for all the participants of the visit.  The Brazilian brothers expressed gratitude to dad for teaching them things about life that can't be learned in a seminary and the one brother also was moved at dad's ability to speak in such a confident and comforting way, a way that brought comfort (and tears) to dad's guests while they intended to encourage dad... which they most certainly did, too!!

In the busyness of all sorts of activities we continue to rely on God's faithfulness every day.  Of particular strength today was when dad read Psalm 86 after he had had his dinner.  It fit in so nicely with a conversation that was had earlier in the evening.  We can be assured that God has saved ME; each of us; all those who fear His Name!

And... while dad was sitting on the edge of his bed, looking out the window he simply said, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow..."  Indeed!


  1. Hopefully the plan to go home Wednesday happened. Wishing you all a good time together as family. May you be supported in every way you need, as we all look to our heavenly Father.

  2. hi as we prepare to spend the w/e in the rockies you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
    the strength of our Father is obviously reflected.
    the willis's
